Friday, July 20, 2012

M27 - screen capture

M27 - screen capture by edhiker
M27 - screen capture, a photo by edhiker on Flickr.

Nebulosity 3.0.5
Multi-set pre-processing begun
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\Flat 1.5 sec 6.3
-- Stacked flats: (9) Flat 1.5 sec 6.3 into C:\Documents and Settings\Edhiker\Application Data\Nebulosity3\
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
D:\My Pictures\__--Stacking\Dark 600s
-- Stacked darks: (8) Dark 600s into C:\Documents and Settings\Edhiker\Application Data\Nebulosity3\
Processing light set 1 -- 1 lights to process
Dark(0): C:\Documents and Settings\Edhiker\Application Data\Nebulosity3\
Flat: C:\Documents and Settings\Edhiker\Application Data\Nebulosity3\
Pre-process images
C:\Documents and Settings\Edhiker\Application Data\Nebulosity3\ loaded as dark
C:\Documents and Settings\Edhiker\Application Data\Nebulosity3\ loaded as flat - processing mode 1
Pre-processing images...
H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\M27 1800 sec 6.3
Demosaic image
Auto color balance
Saving H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\M27 1800x1_flats_ old-600sDarks C11-63.jpg
DDP: Bkg=100 Xover=8078 B-Power=1.00 Sharp=1
Saving H:\_ Astro2012\120719 C11 63 M57 M27 vega 63\M27 1800x1_flats_ old-600sDarks C11-63 DDSedge.jpg